Saturday, April 7, 2007

Motivation, Here I Come!

You know what I hate about spring in Cincinnati? It often doesn't STAY spring. It's not uncommon to have an artic snap right in the middle of spring. Like now. Here I was, all gung ho for the warm weather, out running in my cute crop tops, and then BAM! Mother Nature gets all "just kidding" with me. Last week it was in the 70s and 80s. This past week? The 30s. Today? It's snowing outside and I still have my 10 miler to do.

When I first saw the forecast earlier this week, I decided to postpone a few of my training runs until the weather snapped out of it's funk. But there has been no funk-snapping and I'm falling behind. So today, when I saw the snow, my first thoughts went to my frozen toes and clammy mittens, memories I still carry pretty closely since it doesn't seem so long ago. But the Country Music Marathon is only a few weeks away and procrastinating will only hurt me. Not to mention, make me fat.

I tend to eat so much more during marathon season because I can get away with it.

So.... I'm going to head upstairs right this minute and put my running clothes on. This is a sure fire way to get me motivated for the task ahead. And maybe I'll download a few new songs to my Mp3 player as well. Watch out, I'm on my way to being motivated - even in this arctic spring weather!

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