Sunday, December 6, 2009

Form and Function

I discovered the problems I was/am having with my hip are directly related to the fact that I have been purposely working on correcting my posture and running form. What sort of world does THIS make sense in? Start CORRECTING your running form, suffer unbearable pain and agony. It's so totally unfair. I know I'm doing the right thing and all but at this point, I am so sick of injuries and pain, I'm almost willing to scrap the whole running thing for good. OK, not really but still. It sucks.

To combat the parts of my body that are resisting change for the better, I'm seeing a massage therapist named Glenna. And I think she is quite possibly The Good Witch of the West. This woman works some CRAZY magic! The first time I went to see her with this hip pain, she discovered the problem was a cluster of muscle fibers in my SOLAR PLEXUS of all things. I'm not kidding, she is amazing. I've been working with her for a few weeks now and my body is slowly but surely starting to realize that those days of lazy posture and poor running form are behind it. Good things to come!

Today I went out for 7 mile run, and ended up with 9 instead. Hip pain? Yes. But for the first time in a long time, NOT significant. Yeah!!